The Reason for the Season: Teaching Young Children about Compassion During the Holidays
Ever since I can remember, my parents participated in sponsoring individuals or families in need around Christmas time. We would all shop for necessities such as jackets, gloves, socks, and toiletries. From a very...
10 Tips to Become an Exclusively Pumping Rockstar!
Over the past eight months, my breast pump has become my surrogate best friend. Seriously. There are few people with whom I have spent more time than my pump. It’s a long story, but...
An Open Letter to the Parents of Babies Who Don’t Sleep
Dear fellow parents of babies who don't sleep,
First of all, I want to commend you for taking a few minutes to read this post. If you happen to fall asleep mid-read, I will not...
The Truth About Having a Miscarriage
{Please note: this post contains sensitive and graphic content related to a miscarriage.}
I've thought about writing this post for a long time. I've started and stopped on a few occasions but felt uneasy taking...
Time: Take It Back
It all started due to a reply to a comment that I had made on an Instagram post of a mom tandem breastfeeding her twins. She was a perfect stranger, but regardless, her words...
The Princess and the Postpartum Reality
Some days, I truly believe that we are making progress in the world of supporting each other as mothers. The less "mom-shaming" for using formula, returning back to work, or co-sleeping, the better off...
The Years Fly By
When I became a mother, I received lots of advice and guidance from other moms. While it was impossible to apply everything I learned, it was always comforting to know people were happy to...
You Are The Difference
Teachers--you are the difference.
You are some of the first adults that our children trust, and as our little ones grow into teenagers, you are some of the first adults they will confide in.
When you...
We Must Believe Our Children
We must believe our children.
Starting at a young age, we teach our kids to stay away from strangers. We warn them about answering the front door, getting a ride home with someone they don't...
To My Daughters Best Friend
You were always a happy face when I walked my daughter into daycare every morning. Your smile was infectious; there was no way I could look at you and not smile back.
Apparently, you made...