Jackie Nastri Bardenwerper

Jackie Nastri Bardenwerper
Jackie Nastri Bardenwerper lives in Fairfield, CT with her husband and three children, ages 10, 7, and 4. She is the author of several novels that encourage tween and teen girls to listen to their inner voice, from saving the family fishing business in ON THE LINE, to following a passion for crafting in SALTED CARAMEL DREAMS, and exposing a friend’s hurtful social media platform in POPULATTI. She is currently working on a new children's book series and a new novel on motherhood. She also shares her own motherhood experiences on her Instagram @jnbwrite. When not writing, you can find Jackie and her family enjoying Fairfield’s beautiful coastline where they love fishing, swimming and sailing.
A tween laying on the couch.

Has Tween Culture Done More Harm Than Good?

This month, my oldest turns ten. An entire decade old. It’s a big milestone for both of us, and we’ve been doing a lot of talking about growing up. With age comes responsibility, I...
A mother reading to her daughter in bed.

Our Family’s YouTube Detox: Reading the Classics

It was a brilliant Saturday morning, the sun shining, the air warm—just the type of day my kids loved for playing outside. Yet instead of racing out the door, my kids were clumped together...
Siblings laying on the floor with a dog.

If I Could Bottle Up Age Four

If I could bottle up age four, pictures of rainbows would always cover my walls. The letter “m” in mom would be big and shaky, the “o” not quite closed. There would forever be...
A beautiful tween girl.

Yes, I Tell My Daughters They’re Pretty

A couple weeks ago, I was talking with a group of moms when one mentioned she was angry a storeowner had called her daughter pretty. “We won’t be going back,” she said. “It’s inappropriate.” I nodded,...
A gymnast performing.

Youth Sports Are Dangerous, Let Them Play Anyway

When my husband’s phone rang, we’d just returned home from a weekend trip. “Are you watching the Bills game?” his brother asked. “Just about to turn it on,” my husband said. “Don’t,” he said. “Someone might’ve died...
A sick child with a fever.

Surviving Medication Shortages. My Search for Children’s Ibuprofen

It was a Sunday night after a busy week of holiday travel when my oldest appeared from her bed. “Mommy, I don’t feel well,” she said. I felt her head. She was burning up. Our youngest had...
A mother and daughter head to head.

My Daughter’s First Christmas Without Santa

I was driving my oldest daughter to gymnastics practice one mid-November evening when she asked if we could talk about Christmas. “Sure,” I said, assuming she would ask about something easy. Items for her Christmas...
A girl looking at a piece of broccoli on her fork.

Serving Up Self-Control With a Plate Full of Vegetables

When my oldest child was a toddler, she ate everything. Peas, broccoli, carrots, entire meatball subs. Whatever she tried, she liked, making mealtime a breeze. Until she turned two-and-a-half. During this time, we lived in temporary...
A mom holding her daughter's hand walking to school.

In Our Family, We Walk to School Together

My nine-year-old daughter’s question caught me off guard as we meandered down the sidewalk, halfway through our daily half-mile walk to the elementary school. It was a beautiful morning, the sky clear, the air still...
Roasting marshmallows on a bonfire.

Summer’s Not Over Yet! Five Ways to Enjoy the September Heat

Every year after Labor Day, my mind drifts to Don Henley and his ’80s hit single, The Boys of Summer. I think of it as I walk the kids to school. As I drive...