
Lauren is a full time working mom to Madelyn(born 2012) and Amelia (born 2016). Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Lauren and her husband Scott moved to Fairfield County in 2008. A self proclaimed “indoor girl”, in her spare time you can find Lauren in her favorite corner of the couch, binge watching whatever “everyone’s” watching.
Two sisters standing next to each other.

Little Sister, Left Behind

I always knew I wanted at least two children. We had our beautiful baby girl in 2012, and I was sure I wanted her to have a sibling. In 2016, that plan came to...
Kids exploring at a museum.

Core Memories For Better Or Worse

Last weekend, my older daughter performed with her theater group at a local children's museum. I wasn't sure if we would attend since we'd be seeing the same performance later that day, but my...
Kids in theatre.

Jars of Gratitude

Well, it's official. We're a theater family. Our weekends are spent shuttling from rehearsal to rehearsal. My money is spent on character shoes, opaque tights, and stage makeup. I've learned how to make a...
A mom and her tween looking at a tablet.

Tiptoeing My Way Through the Tweens

My daughter has always had big emotions. She feels all the feelings. But lately, she’s gotten a little more… let’s say sensitive. We are tiptoeing our way through the tweens. Her dad, who normally cracks...
A girl with headphones on a cellphone.

Our Cellphone Saga

My daughter has been asking for a cellphone since the 4th or 5th grade. Some of her friends had them, not a lot, but it was this elusive toy all the kids wanted to...
A mother kissing her daughter's forhead.

The Invisible Mom

I've never been a specifically "in your face" presence. If my life were a sitcom, I'd probably be cast as the sidekick. I've always connected to friends with larger-than-life personalities and am happy to...
A girl holding flowers after a stage performance.

Finding Joy on the Stage

You always hear the phrases, "find your passion" or "do what you love," and all those clichés printed on Home Goods posters. And I believe it, to a point. You should have hobbies, things...
A child with selective mutism going to school.

Selective Mutism Revisited

It’s been two years since I shared my family’s journey with selective mutism. I remember how nervous I was when I decided to write about it. Not only did it make me feel a...
a girl climbing on a ropes course in the trees.

My Tenacious Ten-Year-Old

Ten is an interesting age. You're not quite a tween; you're definitely not a teen, but you're also not a small child. You're just somewhere in the middle, figuring out who you are. That's where...
A woman searching the library shelves.

Finding Myself In The Library

As a child, I loved to read. I read so much and so fast that my mother used to say I “ate books.” I zipped through them so quickly she would need to hide...