Tag: awareness

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

As a chemist and a mom, I feel it is part of my job to do all I can to help encourage more girls...

We Need to Be Loud

Tears danced with my mascara on my cheek; there was no hiding my emotions. If I must scream from the rooftops to protect my...

There Aren’t Enough Positive Birth Stories, So Here is Mine

When I was pregnant with my twins, I was pretty nervous. I scoured the internet for stories that would help me put everything in...

The Most Important Class I Took While Pregnant

I took a lot of classes while I was pregnant. All were essential in helping me with childbirth, breastfeeding, relaxation, and coping with the...

Our Journey with Selective Mutism

I first heard the phrase “selective mutism” at my daughter’s ballet class. She and I were talking in the waiting room, and another girl...

The Hot-Mess Mom’s Guide to Sustainability

New year, new you? New habits? Lifestyle changes? This guide is for hot-mess moms, so let us not get carried away. Here are some...

As an Adult Educator, I Was the Student

Thirteen years ago, as a second-year teacher, I was offered a position to pick up an English 10 Adult Education course in my school...

A Cry For Help

I must admit, I am one of those people that can’t help but hope that the struggles I have gone through will somehow help...

International Literacy Day: Ways to Recognize and Involve Kids

September 8th is International Literacy Day and an opportunity to celebrate, learn and help others in the community.  International Literacy Day was created by UNESCO...

Better Safe than Sorry: Go Get your Skin Checked!

An Important Request I’m going to ask you to do me a favor by the end of this summer. It’s a simple request that will...