Tag: big kids

10 Tips for Picky Eaters

Kids go through so many phases, and almost every parent will say that at some point, their child was a “picky eater.” So...

There is Something Magical About the Number Seven

There is something magical about the number seven. It’s a beautiful mix of independence and innocence. A stage where you are no longer a...

Hanukkah Girls in a Christmas World

Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love the lights, the decorations, the movies, and the overall spirit. And don't get...

The Ultimate Sleep Guide

We know the feeling... your child's not sleeping, you're exhausted, and you're desperate for any and all guidance. This round-up of posts includes all...

The Hard Truth Behind “You are going to miss these days!”

How many times have you been in line at Target with one child throwing a class A tantrum? The ones where they go boneless...

Yes, That’s My Son

Yes, that’s my son. I’m so very sorry that he bit your child on the slide. Yes, that’s my son. I’m sorry that he’s...

Am I Screwing Up This Parenting Thing?

Am I The One To Blame? I'm lucky enough to have two happy and healthy children. I'm also lucky enough to be the one who...

All Shapes and Sizes

The first time she mentioned it, we were driving home from school. “Zeke (name changed to protect the innocent) said I run slow because...

The Enchanted Castle is Back!

The Enchanted Castle is back! The grand re-opening of this cherished event will be held October 24 – 30, 2019 at the Burr Homestead...

10 Things to Love About Fall (as we say goodbye to...

Fall is here! The air is cooler at night and early in the morning, and the sun is setting earlier in the evening. It’s...