Tag: breastfeeding
Reducing Nighttime Feedings
Getting up to feed your baby at night goes hand in hand with parenting, and as tiring as it can be, many moms and...
My Farewell to Breastfeeding
My relationship with breastfeeding did not begin easily. I remember being in the hospital, trying to get the Little Monkey to latch. Every nurse...
10 Tips to Become an Exclusively Pumping Rockstar!
Over the past eight months, my breast pump has become my surrogate best friend. Seriously. There are few people with whom I have spent...
A Look Back at Nursing
Breastfeeding, like all other things parenting, is a personal choice. If you didn’t make a choice to nurse or if it didn’t work out for...
Independence Day: Free of the Breast Pump but Not Free of...
With my daughter's first birthday and the 4th of July holiday near us, I am approaching another independence day of sorts; freedom from the...
Postpartum Support Resources in Fairfield County
Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week (MMH Week) takes place the first week of May. This year the theme of the Blue Dot Project 2022...
Confessions of a Nursing Mama
Your son still uses a bottle? Isn't she sleeping through the night yet? How are you going to help him give up that binky?...
I Was Wrong About Placenta Encapsulation
I’ve always been a practical person, guided by logic. It’s hard for me to believe in things that I can’t see or feel for...
Dream Feeds – What They Are and When To Use Them
Have you ever heard the term “dream feed” and wondered exactly what it means? Here’s the scoop on what dream feeds are and aren’t and...
Hot Topics Over Chilled Beverages: Feeding Our Babies
Hot Topics Over Chilled Beverages are conversations between contributor Jenna and me. In this day and age, the polarity of ideas tends to divide...