Tag: education

Your Senior Was Admitted. But Is Your Teen Ready for College?

Did you know that if you help a butterfly out of its cocoon, it will die? The struggle to get out of the cocoon...

Diverse Children’s Books

Reading is such an important part of childhood. Reading regularly not only increases vocabulary and comprehension, but it also empowers us to empathize with...

I’m a Speech-Language Pathologist and I Think My Children Stutter

When I found out I was pregnant with identical twins, my mind went in a million different directions. Would they be ok? Would they...

Great Books Enjoyed During a Difficult Year

As the year 2020 finally comes to a close, I choose to reflect on the silver linings of such a difficult year. This year,...

Kindergarten From Home

It has come to the point of the year we have all been dreading. The big school shut down. For how long? It's anybody's guess,...

Is Your Child Suffering From Zoom Gloom?

Getting your child to stick with Zoom all day is like making sure they eat their vegetables at every meal. It can be hard...

International Day of the Girl 2020

On October 11th, the United Nations recognizes and celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child. This day "focuses attention on the need to address...
fall appreciation

Appreciating Fall {fun activities to do with the kids!}

As the summer started winding down, and the fall began creeping in, bringing on an unprecedented school year, I decided to opt for remote...

For Now…

For now... We will plan for school schedules and distance learning while we soak up the last of the summer sun. We will answer questions...

I Promise You Will Experience The Magic of Kindergarten

Dear Kindergarten Student of the 2020-2021 School Year, I cannot wait to meet you and get to know who you are! I will always be...