Tag: growing up

Someday It Will Be Too Quiet

Someday it will be too quiet. Someday I will miss the noise. The constant clamoring for “mom!” The stories that go on and on and...

Leaving Toddlerhood

We all have that one pivotal moment in our life where everything changes in a moment. For me, it was August 2015. It was...

Unexpected Firsts

One recent weekend my children had a first. It wasn’t something I was looking for like I had when they were babies. It was...

There is Something Magical About the Number Seven

There is something magical about the number seven. It’s a beautiful mix of independence and innocence. A stage where you are no longer a...

Hanukkah Girls in a Christmas World

Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love the lights, the decorations, the movies, and the overall spirit. And don't get...

Am I Screwing Up This Parenting Thing?

Am I The One To Blame? I'm lucky enough to have two happy and healthy children. I'm also lucky enough to be the one who...

I’m Not Worried

It’s that time of year, where parents have dropped off their college-aged kids at campuses all over the country and left them to fend...

Same, but Different {Raising Children with Different Personalities}

Different kid. Different struggles. Different personalities.  When my first child was born, I had no idea what I was doing. No parenting book could have...

Re-Loving the Name Mom

Remember the first time you were called “Mom?” It sounded so weird, right? Kind of like the first time you were introduced by your...

Nurturing a Child’s Moral Compass

My four-year-old was recently in the bathtub pretending that a green bar of soap was Chris Kratt from The Wild Kratts. When it came...