Tag: health

ISO The “Perfect” Pediatrician

When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I had a Goldilocks moment in search of a pediatrician. Our first experience was an information session...

Things Every Mom Says (And What She Really Means)

“Mooooooooommmmmm!!!” Doesn’t it just cut right through you? That screeching call for you that sounds like the most insane emergency but really it’s just...

Healthy Eating Mom Hack: Smoothies for Kids!

Moms of picky eaters unite. You know my struggle. I'm forever trying to come up with ways to get my almost 3-year old to...

Goodbye Summer, Hello Flu Season

As the summer is coming to an end, we look forward to cooler temperatures, pumpkin picking, fall foliage, and drinking apple cider. One thing...

When Being A Mom Is Not Enough

I feel lucky that I can stay at home with my kids, but it comes with a price. My husband works very long hours...

Beyond the Pregnancy Symptoms

Lately, there has been a lot of talk in the media surrounding maternal deaths. Reading about Serena Williams’ health condition after giving birth was...

Back-to-School, Back to the Doctor

Back-to-school time is right around the corner! Along with the annual shopping trips for new clothes and school supplies, don’t forget to schedule your...

Facing My Numbers

I recently rejoined Weight Watchers. For the foreseeable future, I will be tracking foods on my WW app, avoiding decadent desserts, and limiting my...

The Terrifying Truth about Tooth Decay

  "Textbook bottle rot." Those words sent shivers down my spine, brought tears to my eyes and a pit to my stomach. As my son's dentist...

Deep Cleaning: Beyond the House

The Annual Ritual Each year we engage in the time-honored tradition of spring cleaning. For generations the annual ritual has served as an opportunity to...