Tag: health

The Mother I Have Become

As I looked through the drawers, packed tightly with odds and ends, I came across buttons, spools of thread, pins, jewelry, notepads, envelopes, and...

Body Back Week 5: Getting Rid of the Gremlin

You may recall at the beginning of my Body Back journey, I confessed that I could not do a push-up nor a single sit-up...

Body Back Week 4: Day 21 and Counting

One of the things I enjoy about Body Back is the time I get to spend focusing on just me, myself, and I. Our...

Spaghetti Squash Recipe

As an obsessively healthy eater and mother to an 8 month old, I'm always looking for healthy food ideas that require minimal time in...

Body Back Week 3: Eating for Strength

It's hard to believe that I'm almost done with the first three weeks of Body Back!  This week, I thought I'd focus on sharing...

Body Back Week 2: My Own Personal Cheerleader

If my Fairy Godmother appeared in front of me today, ready to grant me one wish, my wish would be that Shanae, our Body...

Making Strides For Breast Cancer

 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so I'm here to give you the mommy spin on why this matters.  We all know we need...

Body Back Week 1: Anything is Possible

"Am I ready for this?" I asked myself as I approached the Sono Field House at 5:30 a.m. I reminded my doubting self that...

Cold Weather and Your Baby

It's officially Fall! Pumpkins, apples, coco, crunching leaves, and fun holidays. This season comes with many wonderful things, but it also comes with cold...

Fighting the Mommy Aches and Pains

Since having the Little Monkey, I’ve said a few times – and heard the sentiment echoed by my friends – that I feel as...