Tag: life lessons

The Love That’s Overlooked in Second-Born Children

There’s been A LOT of talk regarding the volatile behavior of second-born children (boys in particular) due to the recent research findings of an...

Does My Day At the Pool Sound Relaxing?

Does my day at the pool sound relaxing? Because it wasn't. Whenever I tell someone that we just "spent the day at the pool,"...

You Live and You Learn: Differences Between My First and Second...

You always hear people joking about the differences between how you prepare for and parent your first child as opposed to your second, third,...

An Extended Vacation :: Life Lessons of a Fairfield County Nomad

Sometimes, life happens. You try to work with your landlord to extend your rental but he/she doesn't agree to your request and hastily terminates...

The Power of Following Through

  I am all about dreaming big and fulfilling dreams, but I have to remind myself that the journey to get there takes one single...

My Daddy’s Girl :: How to Deal When You’re Not Their...

As a working parent, I always feared it could happen, but when my toddler rejected me for the first time, I was devastated. After a...

The Perfect Summer Reading List

As the cold weather starts to ease up for a warmer season, so does my reading list. I can handle a heavier story (a...

An Open Letter to My Husband: I Love You

Dear Husband, Twelve years ago, you wooed me with an Oreo cookie. The rest is history. The years have passed, one after the next, but the...

The School of Mommy Life

Going through the school of mommy life requires that we all do homework and take tests. How we respond to those tests show our...

7 Ways Being a Social Worker Prepared Me for Motherhood

We’ve all heard the saying, “Nothing can fully prepare you for motherhood.” And I would have to agree. The exhaustion, the struggle, the love. You...