Tag: mental health

Does My Child Need Help For Their Anxiety?

Just as we care for our children’s physical health, it’s time to take stock of their mental health. Like adults, children can struggle with...

An Apology

I'm going to preface this with: I'm not looking for sympathy, and I'm not making excuses. Right now, my life is a whirlwind. It has...

Turning 40 in 2020

Naturally, turning 40 years old has its own hardships and reflections. But as I approach my 40th birthday this month, I have to face...

Love Your Postpartum Body

There is an unrealistic expectation of women to return to their pre-pregnancy bodies even before they enter the postpartum phase. It could be your...

Changing My Mindset

One of the biggest jobs we take on as mothers is the role of the “problem-solver.” We figure out the routines and schedules that...

Thanks for the Memories Facebook

Every September 1st, since 2015, I know Facebook will share a certain memory. It is the last picture of my son and me together....

Switching Schools During the Pandemic

As a parent, August is always bittersweet. There is the end of summer and all its freedoms and the excitement surrounding a fresh start...

Decisions, Decisions

A quick Google search told me that adults make approximately 35,000 decisions a day. I'm assuming they range from the easy decisions (what time...

I Bought a Pair of Jeans

I bought a pair of jeans yesterday. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but I, like so many moms out there, very rarely...

Relationships Changed

COVID has changed so many relationships for me. I’ve lost friends because I can’t commit to anymore Zooms. I’ve become disappointed and disengaged with family who...