Tag: mommy problems

Dear Strangers, We Can’t Talk Right Now

Being out in public with your kids sure invites a lot of comments from total strangers. This took some getting used to for me,...

Yes to Treats, No to Guilt!

I'm sorry, pediatricians and dentists, but you may not want to read this post. Here it goes: I willingly give my children multiple treats...

The 2017 Summer Whine Down

Have you ever seen the commercial of the father back to school shopping with his children? He's prancing through the aisles and the kids...

When an Only Child Raises Siblings: Uncharted Territory

I am an only child raising siblings, and I have no idea what I am doing. Let’s be honest here. Do you really know what...

I Hate Fun – Things That I’m Supposed To Enjoy Doing...

I hate fun. Or rather, I hate to BE the fun for my kids. I am no longer afraid to admit that I don’t want...

Who Do You Put First?

It is a challenge every day to keep a balance at home. It seems like every moment, someone is clamoring for my attention or...

Does My Day At the Pool Sound Relaxing?

Does my day at the pool sound relaxing? Because it wasn't. Whenever I tell someone that we just "spent the day at the pool,"...

5 Tips to Keep Your Cool This Summer

70 Days. My kids are out of school and home with me for 70 days. I decided that this year was going to be...

You Live and You Learn: Differences Between My First and Second...

You always hear people joking about the differences between how you prepare for and parent your first child as opposed to your second, third,...

The thing about Instagram…

So I don't know about you but I just spent the last 30 minutes scrolling through Instagram. 90% of the people I follow on...