Tag: mommy problems

Easily Influenced? A Jean Shorts Lesson

Let me start with a little backstory: A few months ago, I was mindlessly clicking through Instagram stories after a glass or two of wine....

Hot Topics over Chilled Beverages: MLMs

Hot Topics Over Chilled Beverages are conversations between contributor Charity and me. We realized that we are a unique pair: mom friends who often...

Facebook Post Envy

As I scroll through my Facebook newsfeed, there is definitely a difference between posts of people with children and those without children. Members of both...

The Right Time

There is never a perfect time, but it can always be the right time. This is something I have been repeating to myself a...

Mom Bod Summer

“Hot girl summer, hot girl summer.” Anyone else tired of hearing this phrase? I feel like that’s all anyone is talking about now that we...

Eliminating Bedtime Bottles

If your child has celebrated their first birthday and still drinks from a bottle, your pediatrician is probably encouraging you to switch to a...

Why Didn’t You Tell Me?!

How many pre-pregnancy, expecting, postpartum, the first years, toddler years type books have you read? Although they all provide wonderful bits of information, they...

The Mommy Wars

I lost my best friend to the mommy wars. At the time, I didn’t know what was happening between us. The concept of the...

Dear iPhone, I Need Some Space

(sigh) The good old days…before the iPhone. Imagine there was a time when you weren’t constantly barraged by communication. Instead of texting or emailing, there...

I’m Sorry For What I Said When I Thought Breast Was...

Some women love breastfeeding and have a great experience. This article is not for those women. This is for the women struggling. To let...