Tag: motherhood

How To Prepare For an IEP Meeting

  Tears streamed down my face as I sat in my car in our elementary school parking lot. I picked up my daughter's first special...

Who Will I Be Now?

Who will I be? I left my office job on September 1, 2017 to be a stay-at-home mom. I had a strong desire to be...

The Anatomy of a Mother’s Car

After over six years of being a mother, I’ve decided that there are two types of cars that transport our children around. There’s the...

Working from Home: A Survival Guide

As a self-proclaimed I-Can-Do-It-All-er, I decided to try my hand at raising my kids full-time, without help, and continue my career at home. Sounds...

10 Tips to Become an Exclusively Pumping Rockstar!

Over the past eight months, my breast pump has become my surrogate best friend. Seriously. There are few people with whom I have spent...

Body Image: Teaching My Daughter to Love Herself

From the moment I first heard that heartbeat, I (secretly) wished for a girl. So when the ultrasound technician confirmed the gender at our...

Taking Care of Mama

Maybe it was the morning I forgot to open the garage door before backing out, or possibly the afternoon my OB/GYN prescribed me a...

Wishes for the New School Year

Whenever a new school year starts, I find myself filled with hope. Hopes for myself. Hopes for my students. Hopes for the parents of...

For My Middle Child

Being a twin, there was a 50% chance of you being our family’s middle child. You came into the world two minutes earlier than...

Do I Look Pretty?

"Do I look pretty?" my nine-year-old asked as she looked at herself in the mirror. A simple question, but it took me a minute...