Tag: motherhood

How Are the Numbers Today?

I am a scientist, so I like data. And throughout the COVID pandemic, I keep asking the same question - How are the numbers...

I Started Seeing a Therapist

I started seeing a therapist. I put off this for a long time because I told myself that my problems were small, and I...

Why Is This Getting Harder? {Another Year of COVID}

We are rapidly approaching our junior year of COVID. We now know that it won't take two weeks, or even two years, to flatten...

Your Mom Friends As “Encanto” Characters

If you have kids, there is a good chance you’ve seen the new Disney movie “Encanto” at least once. Or in the case of...

Keep Going, Mama

If motherhood has taught me anything, it’s that being a mother is a test in endurance. Moms push through it all - exhaustion, overwhelm,...

New Year, Old Me

It's a brand new year, which means that everyone will be making New Year's Resolutions to lose weight, meditate more, show more gratitude, pay...

How To Stop Apologizing for Your Child’s Temperament

My daughter is eight months old. She’s adventurous, curious, and always on the move. She has a strong personality, and she will let you...

The Holiday Break Bubble

I’ve been living in a holiday break bubble since December 17. The day when my twins’ preschool ended for the year, and my first...

Fairfield County Mom’s Top 10 Posts of 2021

As a collaborative blog written by and for local moms, our primary focus is delivering valuable content to YOU, our mommy readers. This year our...

Toddlers are Tough…But They’re Right About a Few Things

Terrible Twos. Threenagers. Toddlers have a pretty bad rap. And I get it! I’ve lived through three of them already, and my fourth child (who...