Tag: parenting

Home Sweet Home for Sale: Saying Goodbye to Our First Family...

Change is often good. But I am not good at change. Five and a half years ago, my husband and I bought our first house....

Strong-Willed Child. Please Send Help!

Last weekend my husband had to exit the room after an argument with our strong-willed daughter over ranch dressing. I knew that we had...

Not As Easy As Playing With Dolls! Meet Elisabeth

When I was little, my favorite playtime activity was playing house. I had a baby doll named Sarah and my sister had a doll...

Embracing the Chaos: Tips for Managing the Mayhem

Ever have one of those days where everything goes incredibly wrong? If you're reading this, chances are you have kids and you know precisely...

Expect the Unexpected :: Prepare for the Worst

As a mom of two young children that lives a town over from where the unthinkable happened in Sandy Hook, every news report of...

Gotta Catch ‘Em All: What’s With the Pokemon Craze?

I remember when I was in college I would hear about these Pokemon cards that all the kids were playing with. I immediately was brought...

Mommy Martyrdom: When You’re Too Stubborn to Call On Your Village

It Takes a Village. We’ve all heard it or said it at some point in our child-rearing years. My husband and I are lucky and...

The Lunacy Of Logistics

As soon as I found out I was pregnant I started preparing myself. Preparing myself for the sleepless nights, the crying, the diaper blow-outs...

We Must Believe Our Children

We must believe our children. Starting at a young age, we teach our kids to stay away from strangers. We warn them about answering the...

What I’ve Learned From Having Four Kids

I could have been a different mom. In fact, I was a different mom. Who I am today as a mother of four children is...