Tag: parenting

Summer Slide

Summer slide is a term commonly used in the world of teaching to describe the tendency for students to lose some of the achievement...

An Extended Vacation :: Life Lessons of a Fairfield County Nomad

Sometimes, life happens. You try to work with your landlord to extend your rental but he/she doesn't agree to your request and hastily terminates...

Reasons why I chose to vaccinate my children

We make many choices and decisions in our lives as moms each day. From the second you tell people you are pregnant, your parenting...

When Fellow Moms Save The Day

Do you ever have those mornings when you wake up, and you need to escape? I don't mean off to any place too far away...

You Were Right, It Did Get Better Than This

As June rolls around we turn our focus on to my husband. There are many events that he is the center of. His birthday is...

An Open Letter to My Husband: I Love You

Dear Husband, Twelve years ago, you wooed me with an Oreo cookie. The rest is history. The years have passed, one after the next, but the...

7 Ways Being a Social Worker Prepared Me for Motherhood

We’ve all heard the saying, “Nothing can fully prepare you for motherhood.” And I would have to agree. The exhaustion, the struggle, the love. You...

Grieving the loss of our pediatrician

That crazy mom I am grieving the loss of our pediatrician. I know I sound like a crazy person, but I am. Last week, when...

You Are Perfectly Imperfect {and other affirmations for moms}

I yell too much. I don’t pay enough attention to my kids. I’m always too distracted. I’m such a disappointment. What if… How does SHE get it all done?? I...

Feeling Out of Sorts – Spring Fever!

Spring is a very busy time in my home. The weather turns warmer and everyone wants to be outside later, which gets us off schedule....