Tag: parenting

Music To Your Ears: Free Summer Concerts

They say music soothes the savage beast.  This is also often the same with children. In my house, if I turn on Pharrell's 'Happy,”...

A Day in the Life: Meet Liz Joy

Hi Everyone! I'm excited to join the amazing team here at Fairfield County Mom's Blog! I became a reader of FCMB as soon as...

Globe Totters: Getting through the Airport with Baby!

It's Time, It's Time...Time to head for the Airport and get on that Plane with your Baby! Think positive!  Being on a plane together gives...

Mom Superpowers

When I was a little girl, I swore that my mother had "mom superpowers."  The first of which was that her hands could tolerate...

Our Modern Family Christmas

As a kid, I was the only one of my friends who had to travel to see family at Christmas. Most of my friends...

Worlds Collide: When Two Different Parenting Ideas Come Together

My husband, W, and I grew up very differently, and in many ways are polar opposites. Our parenting ideas and styles are very different...

Irish Twins?

That's right...Baby Sheerin #2 is on the way! My due date is May 25th, which means the new baby and my daughter will be...

Surviving Toddlerhood

tod·dler ˈtädlər/ noun noun: toddler; plural noun: toddlers 1. a young child who is just beginning to walk. Synonyms: small child, infant, tot, preschooler informal moppet,...

Better Together

Today is my 5th wedding anniversary. When I was a little girl, I loved to play “house” and dream of the day when I...

Reward Charts for Preschoolers

Around the time that my son Owen turned 3, I decided to implement a reward chart. At the time, Owen was working on a...