Allison Hughes-Randall

Allison Hughes-Randall
Allison is a New England transplant, originally from Pittsburgh, PA having moved to Bethel in 2010 from Columbus, OH. She and her husband are the parents of a miracle daughter (September 2012.) Allison is a 30 year cancer survivor and spends a great deal of time raising money for the American Cancer Society. When she isn't playing with her daughter, hosting a fundraiser, running a women's group, a mom's group, working on the craft -du-jour or baking, she's either asleep or wondering what's next...

A Guide To Preventing Dog Bites

A few weeks ago my daughter, A, was bitten on the face by my brother's dog, Sampson. What should have been a great family visit, dinner at a great restaurant and night of laughter,...

Her Name Was MaryJean

In honor of infant and pregnancy loss awareness I am sharing my friend Lisa's story: Her name was MaryJean. I never got to hold her. But she had a name, and a blanket already picked...

Trick or Treat Alternatives in Fairfield County

I think back to the days of my own childhood trick-or-treating and can't believe my mom pretty much just opened the door and told us when to be home. Those days are pretty much...

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

There are few words most people fear more than, “You've got cancer.” One of those things is, undoubtedly, “ has cancer.” Twenty-nine years ago my parents heard those very words. A brain tumor. I...

Greetings From Pittsburgh: Where Mom Comes From

A few weeks ago, my daughter A and I were walking out to the car after it had rained, when she told me the ground was slippy. This may not sound like much to...

When It’s Not What You Expect: A Birth Story

I have a confession. It's one I've kept to myself out of fear of being judged by other moms. Here it goes: I wanted nothing to do with my daughter, A, when she was...

Movin’ On Up – Tips For Moving With Children

My family is moving this coming weekend, and I'm both excited and terrified. My husband and I have moved 3 times before this, including a big move from Ohio to Connecticut, but we've never...

How Do You Feel? Showing Kids Emotions

Recently both of our beloved dogs died in separate incidents within 2 ½ weeks of one another. To say that we are devastated is an understatement, as they were our first children, and I,...

Summer Fairs and Festivals in Fairfield County 2015!

Who's ready for some fair food, fun activities, and family entertainment? I know I am, especially after so many months of being cooped up inside. Here's a list of the fairs and festivals in Fairfield...

Reasons to Celebrate: Fun and off-beat holidays to celebrate this month

I'm a sucker when it comes to throwing a party for my daughter. Give me a theme and I'll run with it for miles.I simply can't get enough - it's an excuse to do...