
Betsy lives in Ridgefield with her husband, their adorable and active son the Little Monkey (born in February 2013), and a large, very furry dog. She is a professional fundraiser and amateur baby food puree chef. When she’s not crawling after the Little Monkey and stopping him from poking the dog in the eye, she loves to read, cook, and fold onesies while watching DVR’d episodes of Bravo reality shows.
Mom kissing a son and holding a baby.

Day 10 and Counting

I should begin by saying that I never imagined that I’d be a stay-at-home mom. I like working, and we need to be a two paycheck family. After my company relocated, I left my...
A woman stretching doing yoga.

Fighting the Mommy Aches and Pains

Since having the Little Monkey, I’ve said a few times – and heard the sentiment echoed by my friends – that I feel as though my body has aged 10 years.  Muscles hurt that...
A baby being fed.

Food, Glorious Food (Or Not…)

I anticipated the Little Monkey’s entry into the world of solid food with a mix of great excitement and total dread.  On the one hand, I am a long-time lover of food.  I’m rarely...
An empty park bench.

The Kindness of Strangers

In my last post, I wrote about the village of mommies I’m so happy to be a part of – about how grateful I am to have the help of a community when we...
Two women laughing.

A Village of Mommies

Before I had the Little Monkey, a few experienced Moms said the same thing to me over and over: “Find a baby group, it will be a huge help.  Remember, it takes a village!” ...
A toddler boy asleep.

Naptime Negotiations

As I write this, I’ve just put the Little Monkey down for his morning nap.  As always, I’ve been ambitious with my plans for this naptime – I’ve penciled in unloading the dishwasher, enjoying...
A woman holding a boy.

Mom to a Monkey: Meet Betsy

Hello fellow mommies! I am thrilled to be joining this community of smart, sassy, and beautiful Fairfield County moms. Let’s get started! By way of introduction, my name is Betsy. I am mom to...