Guest Contributor

Guest Contributor
Fairfield County Mom strives to represent ALL moms in our community. We are always looking for contributors who can offer diverse perspectives to our platform. Email us at [email protected]
suicide - a cry for help

A Cry For Help

I must admit, I am one of those people that can’t help but hope that the struggles I have gone through will somehow help me in some unknowable way in the future.  I haven’t had...

iCRYO is Bringing a Freeze to Mid-Summer

Over the past 18 months, health and wellness have been the focus of lives around the world, and it has for our family as well. I have been a nurse for 30 years, and...
intimacy challenge

I Did a Seven-Day Intimacy Challenge, so You Don’t Have To!

Sex, intimacy, seven days in a row. If you’re an exhausted mom like me, these mere words can make your eyes roll as you adjust your unwashed hair. I decided to embark on this challenge...
mommy wars

The Mommy Wars

I lost my best friend to the mommy wars. At the time, I didn’t know what was happening between us. The concept of the mommy wars didn't seem real to me. I was a...

Six Words That Will Change Your Child’s Behavior Forever

Recently, I read a blog post entitled “Don’t Water the Weeds” on Fairfield County Mom suggesting that paying more attention to positive behaviors and less attention to negative behaviors in our children can have...
working mom

A Working Mom Balancing It All

How do we fit it all in moms? The answer is that we don't because it's impossible! How to Mom and Work From Home Balancing working from home, having a baby and toddler home from preschool...
Holding hands with a little boy looking up.

Walking Through Hell

You think it won’t be your family, then it is. About three years ago, my dad was getting ready to leave from his visit to see his new grandson. We stood in my kitchen talking....
Woman smirking and making an x with her arms.


Since I had my first child in 2017, I’ve seen a trend of discussion amongst mom groups. “Does anyone have a recommendation for a non-toxic sunscreen?” “X brand detergent is really toxic. Let me...
money, power, respect

Money, Power, Respect

“First you get the money. Then you get the (bleep) power. After you get the (bleep) power (bleep) will respect you.” - The Lox Why is a mommy blogger quoting a 1998 rap song? It...
family hikes

Five Travel Tips for Family Hikes

While the COVID pandemic has put a damper on many plans to travel extensively in 2020 and 2021, the restrictions have given my family a few silver linings. Two of the most significant benefits...