
Melissa was born and raised in Fairfield County. She currently lives in Stamford with her husband and their three children. She spends most of her free time driving her children to various activities and making sure they are living the dream! She does make time for solo Starbucks and Target runs because self-care is important! You can also find her on Instagram @the_storied_mind, where she creates posts in the hopes of helping others and breaking the stigma for people to reach out for help regarding their mental health.
love language

Love Languages

Have you ever thought about love languages? There are 5 of them. Do you know your love language? If you are unsure what I am talking about, the following is a quick synopsis of...
hope in motion

Hope in Motion

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? I do. In 2010 while my aunt was in remission from her cancer, she asked me if I wanted to join her for the Hope...
must-have baby products

Must-Have Baby Products

Based on my survey of local moms all over Fairfield County, here are the must-have baby products for expectant moms. Dockatot I used this with my twins, and it really kept its promise to be the...
preserving childhood

Preserving Childhood

Why are we as parents always in such a rush for our children to grow up? Let's start preserving childhood! It seems like we always wish for the next thing to happen. When they crawl,...

Motherhood Isn’t Always Picture-Perfect

I am not the mom that I had always pictured I would be. Growing up, I had big ideas about what kind of mother I would be. Pinterest perfect, always laughing, playing games, and serving...
thankful for

Today I Am Grateful

November is the month for thanks and gratitude. During this time, I always see the grateful lists floating around the Internet and thought it would be an appropriate time to name the things I...
family traditions

The Importance of Tradition

As soon as summer starts to fade and the air starts to fill with the smell of the leaves turning, our family knows that it is wine making time. It is a tradition that...

Entrepreneurs in the 203

Fairfield County is filled with some pretty amazing, business savvy, boss ladies and gentlemen. These peeps not only work hard, but they have businesses that are taking Fairfield County (and beyond) by storm! Here...
summer fun

A Physically Distant Summer

Get those quarantinis in hand and your toes in the blow-up pool! Summer has definitely been different this year, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to make the best of it. Here...
meet melissa

Meet Melissa: Completing the Puzzle

Wow, here it is, my first post as an official contributor for Fairfield County Mom! It feels surreal. I have been guest blogging for about a year, and I feel so lucky to be...