
I am a stay at home mom to my daughter Penny and son Grady who will be 2 in November. My husband and I were both born and raised in Norwalk, had the most magical wedding at the Maritime Aquarium, and currently reside in, wait for it, Norwalk!! When the kids are napping my “me time” is focused on my direct sales business, Younique. I love sharing make up with women, giving them confidence and making them feel beautiful! Being able to stay connected to adults outside of the normal day to day errands of running to Stew’s or finding a new playground to keep my children entertained is an added bonus too!

Boys Will Be Boys?!

Amazon has an awesome deal on bubble wrap! No, I haven’t lost my mind, I have a little BOY, OMG! My first born is a girl; a sweet, gentle, semi quiet, sassy little girl....


Yay! Schools out for summmer! Yay? I mean OMG what am I going to do all day long?! My kids are still young, 3 years old and 19 months, but I just started my 3 year...

Snacks 101

I was THE babysitter growing up. It was what I did from the time I was 13 until after college! Being in and out of so many houses, one thing that always stuck out...

How do you Disney?

Since I see this question come up so often I thought it was fitting to blog about how I Disney! I LOVE Disney. LOVE. Disney. I’ve traveled as a kid, as a teen, and even...

What am I Rewarding?

If I had a nickel for every behavior chart I started and every sticker I stuck to said chart, I’d be RICH! I've had them all, from a “Being Nice" chart, to a “Sleeping in Your Big...

Weight a Minute

I've always struggled with my weight/body image/confidence growing up. The LAST thing I want to show my son, and especially my daughter, is that you have to wait until you're a certain weight or in...

I feel guilty typing this…

Why is mom guilt even a thing? Whether you are feeling the pressure from family, other moms, or friends; IT’S REAL! I put the guilt on myself ALL. THE. TIME. And I’m really working hard...

No Kids Allowed!

It’s awful but REAL to admit that time can go by and my husband and I realize we haven’t been out alone in months! It is so important to get date nights on the...

Move Over Martha!

One thing I have always wanted to do was give my kids a great playroom!  When I was pregnant with my first, we kept the gender a surprise so our nursery was very neutral. ...

Meet Melissa :: A Mama In Transition

Hello!  I am a recent (if you count 8 months as recent!) stay-at-home mom!  I left the wonderful world of finance <<insert sarcasm>> after having my daughter Penny, almost 3, and son Grady, who...