
Born and raised in a suburb of Buffalo, NY, Vanessa moved to the Bronx, NY after college, where she met her husband and gradually migrated north together. Now they reside in Newtown, CT with their three children; two sons (2013 & 2019), a daughter (2016), two dogs - Gracie (2022 lab mix) and Penny (2022 pitbull mix), and three cats - Bella (a 14-year-old Persian cat), and Ozzy & Luna (2023 tabbies). By day she's a school administrator; by morning/night, she's a taxi for her kids' activities. In her "free time," she enjoys being in her pool or hiking with her family, listening to 80s/90s hip-hop, watching the Bills game, and sharing sarcastic mom memes with friends. You can follow @resiliencethrougheducation for more!
A family on a hike.

Family-Friendly Hiking Trails in Fairfield County

During the COVID lockdown, my family increased our hiking expeditions significantly and discovered so many great trails! While we can’t hike as often as we did then, we still love discovering new trails and...
A woman upset holding a pregnancy test.

The Importance of Speaking One’s Truth With Infertility

We were surprised I got pregnant so quickly with our first child since I had shared with my husband that I was told as a young teen that I might not be able to...
Three children looking out on a lake.

Meet Vanessa: Hot Mess Express

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Momma, aka Mom, Mommy, occasionally “bro,” and legally, Vanessa. I affectionately refer to myself as the “hot mess express” due to the chaotic nature of my...