I think back to the days of my own childhood trick-or-treating and can't believe my mom pretty much just opened the door and told us when to be home. Those days are pretty much gone, and kind of scary...
On August 30, the Friend household embarked an Operation No More Diapers {until Baby #2 arrives at the end of the year}. I am proud to say {but not too loudly because I don't want to jinx it} that...
It makes me sad that my daughter won’t remember these early years of her life. While I’ll certainly tell her stories of the things I do remember—her pooping in the tub on her first Christmas Eve and the time we...

Let’s Earn It!

I want that. I need that. Can I get that? I'm sure my kids are like every kid that when they see a commercial they NEED it. It was really getting to me when after every commercial or while we...
Growing up, I couldn’t wait to have my own room. Having my own room meant that I would be the queen of my own space. I would paint it my favorite color (blue) and put whatever posters I wanted...
Do a quick Google search or peruse through your, "What to Expect the First Year" book and you'll find a list of milestones to expect. Cooing, using a spoon, walking, riding a bike... but there are other milestones that...
This year my son is old enough to really get Halloween...and for that I'm scared. I'm not scared because I worry he will eat too much candy and get a stomachache or a cavity or two. No, my fear...
One of my most dreaded questions is: "What's for dinner?" It's a daily struggle for ALL parents. Just because I stay at home doesn't mean that I have time to actually cook. If I could reasonably put baby gates...
When I brought my daughter into the world, I was both joyful and terrified. You see, I'm a teacher. Having been around adolescent girls for most of my career, I know how vicious and hurtful the world of the...
These days, segments of our lives aren't captured in blocks of 24 exposures on a roll of film as they were when I was a child. They are more often captured in blocks of hundreds (or in my case, thousands) of...

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In + Around Fairfield County

Things to Do in New York City With Kids (Other Than...

New York City with kids can be fun! NYC boasts a bundle of fun indoor and outdoor activities for kids of all ages. Less...
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out