A path with fall foliage.

Favorite Fall Fun – Part I

I love the summer: the heat, the beach, and the happiness that comes with each day. I love being able to take my children to the beach and the park without having to wear layers of clothes, and everything...
Bear Mountain, less than an hours drive from many parts of Fairfield County, has been one of my favorite hiking spots for many years (see my favorite hiking trails here)  but there is so much more the park than...
A woman meditating.

Mindful Mama, Happy Household

We all know how it is as moms, we're folding the laundry while keeping one eye on the kids and another on the television.  Some of us plan our day while listening to the news and commuting to work...
Two women eating a healthy meal.

Quick Healthy Meal Tricks

I love to cook!  Being home with the kids allows me to cook often.  I have a picky eater and an adventurous eater with tree nut allergies so I have to be cautious with what I make.  Most of...
Woman laying in bed.

Why Your Sleep Matters

I have yet to meet a parent that would say they are well-rested. Whether it's the parent of a newborn who is feeding around the clock or the parent of a teenager, we're all sleep deprived in some way...
Two women laughing.

Finding New Mommy Friends

When I first had my daughter, I was surrounded by moms of all ages. Most of the women in my life were already moms and I figured they would be able to provide me with all the good advice...
In my last post, I told you my family's five favorite things to do in Fairfield County; but, what I didn't tell you was that for everything we do, we rarely pay full price, and sometimes we don't pay...
A girl holding books on a college campus.

College Counselor in a Folder

As September approaches and moms think about school and the college process, stress can creep in. Wouldn’t it be great if we had some guidance and a place to keep track of all the things our child needs to...
Maybe it is because I still enjoy receiving hand-written thank you notes in the mail. Perhaps it is because accepting a greeting from someone puts a smile on my face. Maybe it is because I am old-fashioned. Perhaps it...
The anniversary of September 11th is approaching, and in our house, it is a very significant day in which we honor the loss of a loved one - my brother-in-law and the uncle my children never met. My daughter...

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In + Around Fairfield County

Explore Fairfield County :: Redding

“Explore Fairfield County” is an informational series that provides a glimpse into the wonderful towns and cities in Fairfield County. Fairfield County is diverse,...
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out