Two preschool children.

Playing at Preschool

My son started preschool this week. While he has been in daycare or an educational program since he was five months old, this is a milestone for us. He is in a class with 3 and 4 year-olds, and...
I grew up doing gymnastics and loved it.  When I moved to the Stamford area right out of college many years ago, I called around to gyms seeking out adult gymnastics classes and was disappointed to find they didn’t...
Recently, another contributor wrote a post about being a “Mama in the Middle” when it comes to the choice of working or staying home with the kiddos. I related to this post because I always saw myself forced to...
One of my favorite things about living in Fairfield County, and raising my 20-month old daughter here, is that there is no shortage of family-friendly places to go and things to see and do. Here are five of my...
A mom who works from home while caring for her baby.

Working On My Own Terms

From a young age, I knew I wanted to have children and stay home to raise them. Once I got married, that idea started to disappear since we lived in Fairfield County and had a mortgage and other expenses. While...
A mom holding her kids' hands on the beach.

18 Summers

I recently read an article about 18 summers. I tried Googling it so that I could reference it here, but my search brought up many different posts about this subject. I was so intrigued by this when I first...
  I learned the difference between training and workout when I started working with Paul, owner of Heavy Hitting Boxing and Fitness, almost ten years ago. Do you know the difference? Honestly, it took me a few years to really get...
Being a teacher, I think I look forward to summer vacation more than most of my students. Now that it’s almost time to go back, I’m starting to feel a case of back-to-school jitters coming on. My 9-week stint...
If I could eat one type of cuisine for the rest of my existence, it would be Mexican food. I think my son has inherited my love for Mexican food because whenever I ask, "What do you want for...

A Year of Firsts

My daughter will begin her first day of first grade in just a few short days. As I prepare for this, I am aware that this past year was full of so many firsts already. Her first bus ride...

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In + Around Fairfield County

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Fairfield County

We claim to know how important self-care is, yet we often neglect ourselves. Book that appointment! Go and get those highlights you've been wanting....
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out