Tag: anxiety

Mindful Resolution

Did you know that mindfulness is the practice of a moment-to-moment, nonjudgmental awareness? According to the nonprofit TED organization 2015 speaker and psychiatrist/addiction specialist,...

Lessons Learned During a Baby’s First Holiday Season

While the holidays should be an enjoyable time, we all know far too well that they can also be very stressful. And as with...

Heart Centered Holidays: Yoga to Transform Emotionality

The holidays should be a time of joy, celebration, and connecting with loved ones, but navigating them can sometimes feel like an emotional roller-coaster...

I Choose Sanity

Every morning I wake up and declare, "This is the day I will actually organize my house!" This resolve lasts until breakfast with my...

Mama’s Anxiety Yoga Cure

We all experience anxiety, especially during life’s challenges, and yoga can help ease anxiety big-time and start you on the track to feeling more like...

Yoga for Anxiety: A Five-Minute Sequence for Moms

Did you know you can use your breath to explore the connection between your mind and body? It is easy for busy moms to...

6 Ways to Calm Back-to-School Jitters

Being a teacher, I think I look forward to summer vacation more than most of my students. Now that it’s almost time to go...

Planning and Packing…and More Planning and Re-packing!

It's 2 am and you have landed after a 6+ hour flight (plus the day of traveling) with a 6 month old.  NONE of...