Tag: anxiety

Being a Mom Has Never Been Easy

“I don’t envy you guys having to raise kids in the world today.” I’ve heard this more and more often as the news blasts...

Comfy Cozy Are We, Embracing Hygge

Having never really been a big fan of winter, I would like to take a more holistic approach to my mood when the days...

Core Memories For Better Or Worse

Last weekend, my older daughter performed with her theater group at a local children's museum. I wasn't sure if we would attend since we'd...

The Disappointment Fairy

Being a working mother brings unique challenges that allow our superpowers to shine. This is a controversial perspective because society and the government should...

Our Beautiful Life is Found Inside the Mess

Living with children in the house brings on a seemingly endless cycle of chores. Each day feels like an unraveling of the work I...

Throw Those Silver Linings Out the Window

I grew up loving the movie Pollyanna. I learned a lot from her attitude about life. There’s always something to be glad about. Find...

Little Phrases With Big Impact

I apologize to my kids for a myriad of reasons, including when I curse (which happens a lot). The conversations around "bad words" really...

I Am Changed: Pregnancy After Miscarriage

It took some time after our miscarriage to conceive. Each month I saw that negative pregnancy test, my heart sank a little more. The...

Forever in Our Hearts: Conversations About Goodbyes

Topics like death and serious illness can feel tricky to talk about with kids. I understand why parents have the instinct to hide it...

Postpartum Support International: Climb Out of the Darkness

I have suffered from postpartum PTSD and anxiety and consider myself a warrior and now an advocate. At the time, like so many other...