Tag: big kids

Toddler Room on a Budget

When we moved into our house last year, my daughter was 10 months. We created a nursery for her and since we had an extra...

Teaching About Money {One Lego set at a time}

Confession: I used to be a notorious 'treat' buyer. A $3 Mixel, a $1 candy bar, a $2 race car - all strategically placed...

Movin’ On Up – Tips For Moving With Children

My family is moving this coming weekend, and I'm both excited and terrified. My husband and I have moved 3 times before this, including...

LuCk {Fairy Garden Par-Tea}

I could lie and tell you that I offered to host this Fairy Garden Par-Tea because one of my nearest and dearest friends was...

I Choose Sanity

Every morning I wake up and declare, "This is the day I will actually organize my house!" This resolve lasts until breakfast with my...

The Question that Changed our Bedtime Struggles

Before my son was born, I didn't really think too much about bedtime rituals. I had many friends who were already parents, and most...

My Cabbage Patch Kid Moment

A toy craze has taken over our house. They are tiny, with little faces, and both my children can't have enough of them. SHOPKINS!...

What am I Rewarding?

If I had a nickel for every behavior chart I started and every sticker I stuck to said chart, I’d be RICH! I've had them...

No Means No: Gift or No Gift?

When my daughter turned two, I put a request on the birthday invitations for no gifts. Despite the request, everyone brought a gift. To...

Let’s Love on Legos

Let's love on Legos (or any other brand of building blocks). For just a moment. Because they're awesome for so many reasons. Granted, my kitchen...