Tag: family

More Than Just Mom and Dad {Dating Your Spouse}

The courting stage of any relationship is always very exciting. The hours long conversations on the phone, the first time you hold hands, finding...

Embracing My First Grader Growing Up

I looked at my 6-year-old one day recently, and realized how much I really like the kid. He's becoming a person that I actually enjoy...

Fall into Fall (and Football)

Fall. It is my favorite season. The cool, crisp air. The apple picking (and subsequent pie). The pumpkin picking. The changing leaves. The fall crafts....

Mind the (Sibling Age) Gap

My husband and I planned to have two children, and hoped they'd be between 2 and 3 years apart. But, let's be honest, after...

A Is For…Anxiety

I feel the word "anxiety" is a word that gets used a lot. I'm sure you've heard (or even said yourself), "I have such...

5 Times When Grandma is Way Better in My House

Around here, Mom is good people, but we LOVE a Grandma. We live in Connecticut, but both Grandmas and a Great Grandma live in...

Celebrating Grandparent’s Day!

Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, Papa, Nonna, Nonno, and in my house Cha-Cha, Papa, Deedee, and Grandpa Boo, are all names for our children's favorite people.....grandparents!...

The Moment My Heart Grew: Welcoming a Second Baby

This is a letter I wrote to my second baby, four weeks after she was born.  Dear Second Baby, When I first found out I was...

I Wasn’t Always an Only Child

One of our contributors wrote an amazing and heartfelt post. While I thankfully don't have to come up with an answer to that particular...

Our Love Story (with a ‘new’ couch)

{Cue flashback} I'm going to be straight up here. My husband and I have not bought a truly NEW couch since November 2008 when we became...