Tag: first-time mom

Tips For Transitioning Out of the Swaddle

Is the swaddle no longer working well for your baby? Are you constantly re-swaddling throughout the night, or is your baby starting to roll from...

Falling in Love with Your Children Takes Time

I'm going to say something that most new moms have never heard before. But it's the truth, and it's important to hear.  When you have...

Keep Going, Mama

If motherhood has taught me anything, it’s that being a mother is a test in endurance. Moms push through it all - exhaustion, overwhelm,...

Birth Partners Doulas: Supporting Moms Before, During, and After Pregnancy

Twenty-two years ago, I came home from the hospital with a seven-pound, fifteen-ounce bundle of joy. AND I WAS TERRIFIED. I could barely comprehend...

I Was Part of a Mom Clique. Why I Won’t Be...

It was supposed to be a fun afternoon at a baby sprinkle I was hosting with some of my closest mom friends. The car...

How to Parent Confidently When You’re Doing It on Your Own

“You should put something on her feet, no?”  “You’re not giving her eggs already, are you?” “My son’s pediatrician said…” These are just a few of the...

What To Expect When You’re Expecting a Plus-Size Pregnancy

A plus-size pregnancy, just like any pregnancy, comes with excitement and unknowns. Expecting while plus-size has its own unique set of unknowns. As someone...

Dear Mom I Thought I Would Be

Dear Mom I Thought I Would Be, I had this vision of you. You were perfect. I dreamed about you when I was pregnant. I...

Financial Tips for a New Mom

My experience in the banking world showed me the not-so-great things that happen when a mother and partner are not on the same level...

Just Say, “How Exciting! That’s Awesome News!”

Okay. Listen. Pregnant women have feelings. Feelings like no other time. Raise your hand if when you were pregnant or shortly thereafter, you received...