Tag: first-time mom

What I Wish I Had Known Before I Quit Breastfeeding

After six short weeks of painful, confusing, and exhausting attempts to feed my baby, I gave up. While it wasn't something I wanted to...

A Nursing Mom’s Survival Kit

If you know an expectant mama who plans to breastfeed, a really fun shower (or anytime) gift is a nursing mom's survival kit. Before...

Preparing for a Drug-Free Birth

Let me begin by saying that if you had an epidural, you are not a bad mom. Contrary to what one might think, having...

Why Didn’t You Tell Me?!

How many pre-pregnancy, expecting, postpartum, the first years, toddler years type books have you read? Although they all provide wonderful bits of information, they...

Eww Gross! 10 Pregnancy Secrets

How many pregnant women are actually “glowing”? I sure as heck wasn’t! Everyone knows about the food cravings and mood swings, but no one...

Thank You for Your Professional Labor of Love

Dear Labor and Delivery Nurses,  On behalf of all us mamas who delivered at your hospital, thank you! This one post during National Nurses Week...

One Isn’t the Loneliest Number: Why I’m “One and Done”

I remember the day I had my daughter like it was yesterday. The simultaneous feeling of having been hit by a truck and the...

My Children Were Formula Fed, and That’s Ok!

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was (as most first-time moms are) completely confident in all of my plans. I knew...

Must-Have Baby Products

Based on my survey of local moms all over Fairfield County, here are the must-have baby products for expectant moms. Dockatot I used this with my...

Do What you Need to Fill Yourself Up

When you are pulled in a million directions. When you are trying to balance it all. When sticky hands are tugging at your shirt...