Tag: growing up

Forever Young

There are too many candles on my cake. I know, 40 isn't that old. It's the new 30, right? Well, I practically had a...

Liar, Liar

One of the most surprising things I've found about parenting more than one child is that they aren't always alike. I just assumed whatever...

Nostalgia in The Notch In The Floor

As my children get older, I find myself finding a bit of mom nostalgia in the strangest of places. Sometimes the stupidest and weirdest...

I Need My Village

So much about parenting changes over time; however, one thing that I don’t think will ever change is the need for a village. To...

My Farewell to Breastfeeding

My relationship with breastfeeding did not begin easily. I remember being in the hospital, trying to get the Little Monkey to latch. Every nurse...

My Daughter’s First Christmas Without Santa

I was driving my oldest daughter to gymnastics practice one mid-November evening when she asked if we could talk about Christmas. “Sure,” I said, assuming...

Finding Nostalgia in a Bucket

There is something extraordinary about sharing a movie, song, toy, or experience that brought me joy as a child or as a less-aged version...

Weathering the Seasons of Marriage Through Parenthood

My husband and I just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. In almost as much time, we have been parents. We knew, before getting married,...

A Mom’s Sadness is Carried in a Fifth Grade Backpack

It all started with ordering a backpack for fifth grade. In our family, backpacks (am I the only one who calls them bookbags?!) are only...

Talking About Sex with Your Kids

Why aren’t parents talking to their kids about sex? I currently teach a course for high school juniors, and when we get to the...