Tag: growing up

Talking About Sex with Your Kids

Why aren’t parents talking to their kids about sex? I currently teach a course for high school juniors, and when we get to the...

In Our Family, We Walk to School Together

My nine-year-old daughter’s question caught me off guard as we meandered down the sidewalk, halfway through our daily half-mile walk to the elementary school. It...

Four is the Magic Number

It's been five years since my first daughter was born. My second was born only 13 months later. Since that day, my life has...

Goodbye Little Pink Potty

This weekend, we said goodbye to what felt like a member of the family. No, not an actual person or a pet, but a...

Missing My Sidekicks

Time marches on, and suddenly, there are no more babies in this house. For ten years, I consistently had a kid in diapers. I...

A Mom in the Middle of Motherhood

Today my youngest child started kindergarten. I am officially a mom in the middle of motherhood. For the first time in my nine years...

A Parenting Fear

Throughout my life, I have always had a fear of the unknown. I don’t like change; I’m afraid to take the next step until...

Letting My Teenager Travel Out of the Country Without Me

This past summer was full of many wonderful experiences for our family. My children have reached ages where they are expanding their horizons and...

Body Image: Teaching My Daughter to Love Herself

From the moment I first heard that heartbeat, I (secretly) wished for a girl. So when the ultrasound technician confirmed the gender at our...

Thank You Daycare for Loving My Babies

From September to June, Monday to Friday, at 6:25 a.m., I am hustling out the door with arms full of bags, water bottles, and...