Tag: health

Diabetes Awareness

As I stare at the massive bucket of candy collected from Halloween, my focus this month is a bit more serious. I have seen,...

Turning 40 in 2020

Naturally, turning 40 years old has its own hardships and reflections. But as I approach my 40th birthday this month, I have to face...

Getting Our First COVID Test

When my son walked over to me with that sad look in his eyes, without his usual pep and mischievous grin, I started to...

Halloween as a Food Allergy Mom

I hate Halloween. There, I said it. To be honest, I’ve always hated it. As a #foodallergymom, Halloween has a whole new reason to...

Honoring Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is a month of celebration: pumpkin spice everything, Halloween, apple picking, fall boots, and chunky knit sweater weather. It is also Breast Cancer...

Cold or COVID-19?

It was bound to happen sooner or later; both my twins sneezing, snotting, and running a 100-degree fever. We were three weeks into the...

What’s the Deal with CBD Anyway?

It’s a tale as old as time… Moms on edge! Mom can’t sleep because of all the anxious thoughts racing through her mind! I’m...

Infertility: Don’t Give Up

Living with infertility isn’t easy.  There are multiple rounds of different treatments prescribed by different doctors with differing opinions. Clomid, IUIs, IVF, etc. It’s exhausting. Before...

My Husband Took My Scale Away

I went to weigh myself one August morning and was horrified to find that my husband had taken my scale away. He had threatened to...

Moving Out of My Comfort Zone for My Daughters

When I was a kid, I played soccer. Well, I was in ballet school, then little league, and then soccer. But I always talk...