Tag: life lessons

Never Say Never {one year later}

About a year ago I wrote a post about all the things I never thought I would do as a mom. I mean there...

Sharing (a bedroom) is Caring

Growing up, I couldn’t wait to have my own room. Having my own room meant that I would be the queen of my own...

What I Want My Daughter To Know About Friendship

When I brought my daughter into the world, I was both joyful and terrified. You see, I'm a teacher. Having been around adolescent girls...

Pregnant with a Side of Pink Slip

When we moved from Queens to CT, I found a position closer to our new home and increased my salary. I became the sole...

25 Feet of Awesome { a weekend in a camper}

How did you spend your last weekend of summer? In a bold move of parental confidence, my family decided to rent a 25-foot camper and...

Dear Preschooler

Dear Preschooler, I know you're just starting your first day of preschool, but I can't help but think pretty soon you will be off getting...

Are They Twins? And Other Questions: Meet Erika

So I have a few kids…three kids to be exact. I had a baby exactly every 22 months between May 2010 and January 2014. Meaning...

Breathe for Well Being :: Part I

I don’t know about you mama, but when my kids got whisked away on the bus for the first day of school, there was...

Sister Friend

I’m pretty sure that if given the opportunity, I would never have been friends with my sister-in-law.  (Wow, that's a harsh thing to say. I...

Ode to the Failing Mama

When I first began this journey of motherhood, I was pretty confident that I would be good at it. To my credit, my two-year-old...