Tag: life lessons

What It’s Really Like to Have Four Kids

Having a big family was something I knew I always wanted. My husband and I have been blessed with two girls and two boys....

Happy Place

It's quiet. I can hear my kids far away in the distance, their laughter bouncing off the water. I can see the drips landing...

The Future is Bright: Ready, Set, Grow!

“You’ll look back on these days and wish you could have them back.” As parents, we’ve all heard this statement, or some version, at...

Ideas For Connecting With Your Child After School

At the end of a long day, finding ways to connect with your child after school can be a challenge. Not all kids are...

Starting the Year off Right With Homework and Study Skills

I can’t believe we are getting back into gear for school! As a type-A personality, I love planners, colored pens, Post-its, and various organizational...

Finding Myself Again

I'm slowly finding myself. It is easy to get lost in motherhood. For a decade, it has been all about my children. Their needs...

Adjusting Expectations

For many years, hand-me-downs were BIG in my house. My youngest daughter idolized her older sister, and she could not wait to wear her...

What Exactly is Human Design?

Everyone plans the new year to be a time for new beginnings and positive change with an opportunity to start fresh. This past New...

The Invisible Efforts and Why I Make Them

Sometimes, I get jealous of how much my kids celebrate and fawn over my husband. I know it’s a terrible thing to feel, but...

Summer Sports Life

I look forward to summer because the days are longer, so I have more time with my family after work before bedtime. Ideally, I...