Tag: love

A Letter to My Daughter’s Donor

I love you, although I have never met you. You are my daughter's donor. One year. My girl is one year old, and it’s impossible...

Love and Other Four-Letter Words

Ok, I have a confession. I curse a lot (sorry mom!). Not in front of the kids (mostly). But definitely in my personal life...

Falling in Love with Your Children Takes Time

I'm going to say something that most new moms have never heard before. But it's the truth, and it's important to hear.  When you have...

Play With Your Sister, I Made Her for You!

I always knew I wanted to be a mom. Even as a little kid, I loved babies. I've seen many pictures of tiny me...

I Love Them All the Same…I Think

When I had my first daughter, I was consumed by a love that I never thought could be replicated. It wasn’t an easy start...

Today Our Schools Go Mask Choice. Why My Kids Will Be...

We stood there huddled next to the television, too nervous to sit as we listened to our governor speak. He was talking about the pandemic....

Good Things Don’t Come Easy, Including Marriage

Marriage is so hard. I truly am so lucky that I got to marry my best friend (yep, it’s as cliche as it gets), but...

We Need to Be Loud

Tears danced with my mascara on my cheek; there was no hiding my emotions. If I must scream from the rooftops to protect my...

Keeping That Spark Alive

Before all this baby stuff, it was just my hubby and me. Before we knew it, our days as a couple traveling the world...

Sex During Pregnancy

Are you pregnant? Feeling tired and perhaps sick? You may feel more like running to the bathroom than the bedroom. Maybe sex during pregnancy...