Tag: mommy problems

Should I Stay or Should I Go

Holy smokes! Has anyone else been looking to move since the pandemic hit? My husband and I are so happy to live in Fairfield. We...

Getting Our First COVID Test

When my son walked over to me with that sad look in his eyes, without his usual pep and mischievous grin, I started to...

Mom Confession: Picking My Battles

I have a mom confession to make. My kids are terrible eaters, and I don't care. It feels so liberating to write that. This...

Changing My Mindset

One of the biggest jobs we take on as mothers is the role of the “problem-solver.” We figure out the routines and schedules that...

Cold or COVID-19?

It was bound to happen sooner or later; both my twins sneezing, snotting, and running a 100-degree fever. We were three weeks into the...

Infertility: Don’t Give Up

Living with infertility isn’t easy.  There are multiple rounds of different treatments prescribed by different doctors with differing opinions. Clomid, IUIs, IVF, etc. It’s exhausting. Before...

Relationships Changed

COVID has changed so many relationships for me. I’ve lost friends because I can’t commit to anymore Zooms. I’ve become disappointed and disengaged with family who...

I Hate The Tooth Fairy

Ah, The Tooth Fairy. The sadistic cousin to the Easter Bunny, Elf on the Shelf, and Elsa of Arrendelle. I hadn't given much thought...

Pet Peeves of the Never-Ending Summer of 2020

This summer, the "Summer of COVID-19," has changed our daily routines drastically - mask-wearing in public, the lack of indoor dining, and the closings...

Showing Love With Food

If you see me in the grocery store with a cart overflowing, please don’t assume all the food is for me. As a woman...