Tag: mommy problems

I Hate The Tooth Fairy

Ah, The Tooth Fairy. The sadistic cousin to the Easter Bunny, Elf on the Shelf, and Elsa of Arrendelle. I hadn't given much thought...

Pet Peeves of the Never-Ending Summer of 2020

This summer, the "Summer of COVID-19," has changed our daily routines drastically - mask-wearing in public, the lack of indoor dining, and the closings...

Showing Love With Food

If you see me in the grocery store with a cart overflowing, please don’t assume all the food is for me. As a woman...

Things to Stop Saying to New Mamas

We all know those dreadful phrases we have banned from saying to a pregnant lady ("You STILL haven't had the baby?" "Are you sure...

Keeping a “Social Distance” at Home

We’re together all the time, but I feel like I never actually SEE them as individuals. By “them” I mean the swarming, laughing, screaming,...

Motherhood, Lately, According to Memes [2020 Edition]

If you're a mom in 2020, I'm willing to bet you've had your share of laughs over some all-too-relatable memes shared on social media....

To Kindergarten or Not to Kindergarten During COVID-19

The classic Kindergarten question comes around every year. "Should I send my child with a late-year birthday to Kindergarten or "red shirt" them for...

If You Think That Stage Is Hard, Just Wait

We’ve all had that one family member, friend, or coworker who downplays the struggle you are facing. For me, it started during pregnancy when a...

Do We Have to Cancel Everything?

It happened this week, and I’m surprised it took 9 weeks for her to crack. I said “no” to something my daughter wanted to...

Our Kids are Home, But This Is No Summer Vacation

It’s probably every kid’s dream come true. School is canceled …indefinitely! They get to stay home and do whatever they want…kind of. All of our...