Tag: motherhood

Getting Down and Dirty About Diapers

We were getting to the end of our monthly Amazon shipment of diapers when I ran over to CVS to grab a pack to...

The End of Our Daycare Era

As we round the corner into February, we are past the halfway point of this school year. And, while I was thinking about this...

Sleep Success in the Winter Months

Winter months in Fairfield County means spending a lot of time indoors! The lack of sunlight (AKA Vitamin D), freezing temps, snow, and long...

Must-Have Baby Products

Based on my survey of local moms all over Fairfield County, here are the must-have baby products for expectant moms. Dockatot I used this with my...

The Friendships We Foster on Facebook

To the moms I've re-friended from my childhood, thank you.  We became friends long before Facebook existed. We met sometime in elementary school and naturally...

Things I Suck At Now That I’m a Mom

I don't think that there is any sense of easing into this whole "Mom" gig. You are in charge of just yourself for your...

Do What you Need to Fill Yourself Up

When you are pulled in a million directions. When you are trying to balance it all. When sticky hands are tugging at your shirt...

Dear Dad, I Miss You

Dear Dad, The other day I reached out to the vet to ask her opinion on one of my dogs, and after providing some...

Sorry. I Have Pandemic Brain.

We have all heard of Mommy Brain - that hormonal anomaly appears in pregnant women (and carries over into the sleep deprivation stage of...

17 Great Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

There are two kinds of people in this world - those who listen to podcasts and those who don’t. Ok, well, maybe it’s not...