Tag: preschooler
Galloping Into Learning: How Horses Inspired Curiosity and Creativity in PreK...
It was a chilly fall morning when Prekindergarten teacher Jen Agro saw horses at King School for the first time. Her students were way ahead...
My Kid Ruined Dinner
Parenting is hard. There, I said it. My girls are three and almost 18 months old. They’re intelligent, sweet, and always curious. Recently, with...
An Open Letter to Our Preschool Upon My Youngest’s Graduation
To Our Preschool,
Well, I guess this is it. My family has officially made it. At the end of this month, my youngest will walk...
The Threenager
Three’s the charm. That’s what they always say, right? Unless it’s referring to the three-year-old, a.k .a., ‘The Threenager.’
I remember hearing about the ‘Terrible...
Tips for Overcoming Social Barriers
Does playing with your child feel like an impossible thing to do? Does your child always prefer to fly solo, and no matter how...
To Share or Not To Share? That Is The Question
What are we teaching our children if they think they can get everything they want just because they want it? Forcing our children to...
We Changed Bedtime to Save Our Sanity, So Why Do I...
As recently as one month ago, the most common words our kids uttered between 8 and 9 p.m. were “one more.” One more snack,...
New Routines For the New Year
The New Year is a great opportunity to reflect on the past year and determine the areas we’d like to grow in. While typical...
Halloween Fun for Little Ones
My kiddos are 2.5 and 7 months old, and we are SO excited for Halloween fun this year. Here are some Halloween-themed activities for...
Hurray for Pre-K!
During a preschool pickup in late May, my usually bubbly daughter emerged tear-stained and red.
“What happened?” I asked as she ran into my arms,...