Tag: siblings

My Kids Share a Room and It’s Great (Until It’s Not!)

From birth on, my twins have always been attached at the hip. As infants, we kept them on a strict schedule to make sure...

One Evening With Abby {A Photo Essay Series}

“One Evening” is a photo essay series that provides a sneak peek into the everyday lives of the Fairfield County Moms Blog contributors. The...

Siblings: Bringing Out the Best (and Worst?) in Each Other

A while back, I wrote a post about raising siblings as a parent who is an only child. Update: I still don’t know what I’m...

What I Didn’t Expect For My Third Child

I’m not going to lie. I was a little worried for my soon-to-be third child. Being pregnant the third time around was far from...

Three’s Company: Two vs. Three Children

So you have two beautiful children, and you are feeling good about life, and things are manageable. But there is that nagging question…should we...

Survival of the Fittest? Sibling Rivalry At Its Finest

I grew up the second oldest in a family of four and there has always been sibling rivalry.  I have two brothers and a...

It’s Not Always Easy To Be the Firstborn!

A few weeks ago, my firstborn came to me with “the face.” I was in the kitchen cooking dinner as my three children were in...

What I’ve Learned From Having Four Kids

I could have been a different mom. In fact, I was a different mom. Who I am today as a mother of four children is...

The Pros & Cons of a Big Age Gap

The general reaction I receive when someone asks me how far apart in age my children are is one of, for lack of better...

Now Starring Mommy: 5 Oh So Glamorous Roles Moms Play

When I first became a mother, I quickly settled into my new role. Feeding, rocking, nursing, changing, and repeat. It wasn't always easy, but...