Tag: stay-at-home mom

Mama in the Middle

  A few years ago, an article popped up on my Facebook newsfeed entitled "A Letter From a Working Mother to a Stay-At-Home Mother (and Vice...

Money, Power, Respect

“First you get the money. Then you get the (bleep) power. After you get the (bleep) power (bleep) will respect you.” - The Lox Why...

One Isn’t the Loneliest Number: Why I’m “One and Done”

I remember the day I had my daughter like it was yesterday. The simultaneous feeling of having been hit by a truck and the...

Ode to My Yoga Pants

Oh, yoga pants. You just get me. You know what I like. You know how to take care of me. You know that, as...

Things I Suck At Now That I’m a Mom

I don't think that there is any sense of easing into this whole "Mom" gig. You are in charge of just yourself for your...

Finding “Slices of Joy”

A slice of joy. Where will you find it today? Will it be wedged in the middle of a trip to the grocery store...

Being a SAHM Does Not Make This Easier

By now, you have read oodles of articles about quarantine and motherhood. I didn't really want to write another post about it, but I...

Our Kids are Home, But This Is No Summer Vacation

It’s probably every kid’s dream come true. School is canceled …indefinitely! They get to stay home and do whatever they want…kind of. All of our...

Is It Ok to Be “Good Enough?”

Lately, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the stuff of life. I feel like every area of my life needs improvement. I should be learning...

Am I Screwing Up This Parenting Thing?

Am I The One To Blame? I'm lucky enough to have two happy and healthy children. I'm also lucky enough to be the one who...