Tag: summer

Guide to Outdoor Living in Fairfield County

Due to our current circumstances, we have been stuck at home more than ever before. Now with school ending and summer officially beginning, why...

Summer Camp 2020: The Decision

Camp? It’s the one question that I’m sure a lot of parents are currently struggling with. Yours truly included. Specifically, am I going to send...

Virtual Summer Camps and Programs for Kids in Fairfield County

Along with the uncertainties and cancellations of many summer camps this year, comes the question of what to plan for your kids this summer? As...
vision board

Do You Have Summer Vision?

One of our favorite family activities on New Year’s Day is to create personal vision boards. However, now we will craft ONE family vision...

Our Kids are Home, But This Is No Summer Vacation

It’s probably every kid’s dream come true. School is canceled …indefinitely! They get to stay home and do whatever they want…kind of. All of our...

2020 Summer Camp Guide

It might still be considered winter, but it’s that time of year when moms need to start thinking about summer plans. Wait, what!? Yup,...

Tips on Trips and Camps

The holidays are over, and moms everywhere are back at it, managing kids, jobs, and family life, ever in search of that elusive balance....

My Summer Letdown

Excitement for Summer: Once spring hit I was genuinely looking forward to the end of the school year. I felt like a student myself, longing...

Capturing Summer

Summer may be quickly fading, but there is still plenty of time to capture all those gorgeous summer moments. Here’s a list of quintessential...

Camping with Kids: Getting Comfortable Outside Our Comfort Zone

Last weekend, we did it: we camped for 3 days and 4 nights with our four kids. What started as a whim while I...