Tag: toddler

You Live and You Learn: Differences Between My First and Second...

You always hear people joking about the differences between how you prepare for and parent your first child as opposed to your second, third,...

My Daddy’s Girl :: How to Deal When You’re Not Their...

As a working parent, I always feared it could happen, but when my toddler rejected me for the first time, I was devastated. After a...

A Working Mama’s Morning Routine: 3 Tips for Getting Ready in...

Approaching the end of my maternity leave last year, I had no idea how I was going to manage juggling an early-rising baby with...

You Are Perfectly Imperfect {and other affirmations for moms}

I yell too much. I don’t pay enough attention to my kids. I’m always too distracted. I’m such a disappointment. What if… How does SHE get it all done?? I...

The Great Baby Escape! (Ways to Keep Your Child Safely in...

Most of motherhood is exclaiming, “They are growing up too fast,” or “I’m not ready!” When my daughter jumped out of her crib at...

Dear Blankie {A Note to my Daughter’s Treasured Blanket}

  Dear Blankie, When I added you to my baby registry one rainy weekend morning, I had no idea the significance you'd bring to my life....

From Wearing J. Crew to Dressing My Little Zoo

Before I had kids my closet resembled a J. Crew showroom. Now I can hardly find a matching pair of shoes! Although I still...

5 Things You Can Do Today To Improve Your Child’s Sleep

If you've started the new year with a resolution to improve your child's sleep, and you're not sure where to begin, here are five...

Can we please save manners? We need to save empathy!

A few weeks ago I was, shockingly, in a grocery store the next town over with my oldest daughter. She was sitting happily in...

You Made Me A Mama: A Letter To My Baby On...

Happy first birthday, my sweet boy. Someday I'll tell you the story about how long we waited for you. Imagined you. Those last few...