Alisa Fulvio
I’m Sorry, Baby
I’m sorry, Baby.
You’re still in there, but you didn’t have a chance at life. You’re in there but not growing. Your heart never beat. Your Dad and I wanted you. We wanted you so...
Mothering the Mama: Let’s Not Forget Her
Being a new mom is exciting and magical. It’s a time of connection and bonding. It’s a time of firsts.
But being a new mom is also exhausting and overwhelming.
Life, as you know, gets turned...
I Am Changed: Pregnancy After Miscarriage
It took some time after our miscarriage to conceive. Each month I saw that negative pregnancy test, my heart sank a little more. The sadness would seep in. It would sit. It would stir....
I Hope (A Letter to My Little Girl)
My girl
My boo boo
My princess poo poo
My slow-to-warm-up girl
I hope you know how much I love you.
I hope you can see how amazing you are.
I hope you stand up for what you believe in.
To My Sister: On the Verge of Motherhood
Dear Sister,
I’ve been secretly waiting for the day you would tell me, “I’m pregnant!” I have wanted to share this whole motherhood journey with you since I became a mother myself. So when that...
When You’re in a Negative Place
Life can feel like a rollercoaster. It’s filled with highs and lows. The ebbs and flows of our emotions are often connected to our present situations. How things are going that hour, that day,...
Body Image: Teaching My Daughter to Love Herself
From the moment I first heard that heartbeat, I (secretly) wished for a girl. So when the ultrasound technician confirmed the gender at our 19-week appointment, I took a moment to myself in the...
Learning to Let Go of Control
If you are human, you are affected by the events and environment around you. When life gets chaotic and stressful, you begin to feel off. Life and environmental stressors manifest internally, making you feel...
You’re Too Big For Me To Carry
This was the summer before Kindergarten. The last summer, I had my “baby.” We had been getting ready emotionally and physically for the big transition with preschool graduation, incoming Kindergarten meet-ups, and our very...
To the Moms at Dance Class
To the Moms at Dance Class,
Thank you for not judging me while my threenager had a meltdown outside of class for 45 minutes. Despite my efforts to get her to join your cooperative kids, she...