
Charity is a newly-single mom of three with a son born in 2012 and identical twin daughters born in 2017. She lives in Monroe and has been writing for Fairfield County Mom since 2019. Charity is a full-time speech-language pathologist, working with patients all across the lifespan. She is also an intuitive medium. In her life before children, Charity was a professional stage manager, working in theatres throughout Fairfield County. Charity is passionate about her family, career, ballet (which she began at 39 years old!), musical theatre, and her amazingly-supportive friends as she begins a new chapter in her life. She firmly believes that you are never too old to stay stuck in a situation that is causing you pain. You can follow her on Instagram at @charityferris.
Going on a date with a dad after divorce.

The Divorced Mom’s Diary: Dating a Dad

I never wanted to date a single dad. I figured it would make things too complicated. I’m an older mom and already have three kids, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to add any...
A teen blowing out birthday candles on a pizza.

A Letter to My Oldest Before He Becomes a Teenager

To my first baby, In just a couple of weeks, you are turning twelve. It’s the last year before you become a teenager. You have walked through a challenging year with the divorce of your dad...

Just Me and My Three Do Disney in One Day

“Mama, you’re so crazy!” one of my 7-year-olds exclaimed when I told my three kids I was taking them to Disney for one day by myself. Maybe I was crazy to attempt a big...
A woman running with her arms stretched out on the beach at sunset.

I’m Thankful My Marriage Fell Apart

When I got married, I was apprehensive, but I never thought I’d actually ever get divorced. There were always issues, but there was never anything that couldn’t get swept under the rug until the...
A therapist working with a patient.

Lessons Learned From My Patients

May is Speech-Language-Hearing Month. I've been a speech-language pathologist (SLP) for ten years and always believed that my patients are my greatest teachers. Recently, though, I learned how much this work has changed my...
A couple on a date post-divorce.

The Divorced Mom’s Diary: Dating Post-Divorce

When my ex-husband and I decided to get divorced, dating was the last thing on my mind. I pretty much swore I wouldn’t be interested in letting a man get that close to me...
A sweet potato dinner.

Sweet Potatoes: The Unsung Heroes of My Kitchen

When someone asks me what my favorite food is, they are usually surprised by my answer: Sweet potatoes. It sounds random, but since I’ve systematically been reducing the amount of animal products I consume...
A divorced woman settling into a new home.

“Nesting” During Divorce: What Is It and Is It Right for Your Family?

I haven't exactly been quiet the past few months about getting divorced last year. It was initially challenging to discuss in a forum as public as this one, but now that I'm moving out...
A woman sitting on a couch next to a Christmas tree.

My First Holiday as a Single Parent

It had all been theory until now: Spending the holidays with only my kids and me. When we decided to separate just after Christmas last year, we devised a plan for the time we...
A family posing in coordinating outfits.

The Perfect Family

I’ve been repeatedly told that someone thought we had the “perfect family.” Or that my children looked so “well behaved.” Or they didn’t know how I seemed to “do it all” and keep it...